Neutrinowatch is a procedurally generated podcast.

All our episodes change a lil’ bit each dayβ€”stream or re-download each episode daily for a slightly modified user experience.

Made by Martin Zaltz Austick and Jeff Emtman


We sort our episodes into several loose categories:

  • An Almanac relies on external forces (world events, shifting of the heavens, etc.).
  • A Song A Day generates a new song every day.
  • Wave episodes have elements that ebb and flow over a set period (like tides).
  • An Exquisite Corpus mashes large texts together to make something new.
  • Cartomancies use a fixed set of options (eg. a deck of cards) that are read in ways that feel like divination.
AudioEpisode β€” πŸ‡ΉranscriptTypeEpisode Blogpost
This Is Neutrinowatch β€” πŸ‡ΉExplainerThe Start of Procedural Podcasting?
The Most Popular Podcast In The Universe, Tomorrow β€” πŸ‡ΉAlmanacThe Ego’d Isolation of John Welles
Gus Hommes Has Creative Differences β€” πŸ‡ΉSong A Day
Wendy, Watch The Stars β€” πŸ‡ΉAlmanacSkyjazz
The World Outside My Window β€” πŸ‡ΉSong A DayThe Garden of Branching Lyrical Paths
The Daily Blast β€” πŸ‡ΉAlmanac
Graffiti on the Walls of the Internet
The Zookeeper, the Bartender, and the Seafarerβ€” πŸ‡ΉWaves
Gluteal Strategies β€” πŸ‡ΉExquisite CorpusSeriously Consider Gymnastics
Gus by Gus – Musings and Magic β€” πŸ‡ΉCartomancyChopin thought about doing a line of Perogies
You can really get to know someone by leafing through their diary β€” πŸ‡ΉAlmanacLumpy Synthesis and Combinatorial Emotions
Dear John β€” πŸ‡ΉExquisite CorpusMonths out of Molehills
Transcript icons (πŸ‡Ή) are clickable.

How to Listen

Due to the way in which we re-generate Neutrinowatch’s audio each day, it may break certain podcast apps. If it does that to you, or if you can’t find us on your favorite app, please write an email and we’ll see if we can fix it.

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